A study by Wellnomics Computer Use Report in 2019 found that the average computer user can make 1 million key strokes, 500,000 mouse clicks and move the mouse around 6 miles. Add to that the normative casual use of a device after hours and it becomes obvious that our device use can be the origin to mechanical overuse injuries about the spine, shoulders and arms. In fact, 49% of “work from home” employees report shoulder pain, 55% report spine pain and 21% wrist and hand symptoms. The transition to a non-office work site has placed the worker in a setting commonly absent of necessary ergonomic aids to further enhance these issues.
Physical Therapy
The physical therapist is educated to define and address the cause of these overuse injuries while initiating proactive exercise and stretching patterns to resolve the physical pain, weakness and fatigue. Of equal importance is the education on corrective posturing, work site ergonomics and mechanics as well as advise in the use of computer accessories to further resolve the issue at hand. Modifications in the style of keyboard and mouse are easily initiated and can have immediate positive results.
Discuss any ergonomic work site issue with your physical therapist.